Welcome to Favifetch

A web icon & webapp manifest fetcher.

Using this API

	Usage: GET https://favifetch.beatbump.workers.dev/get?url=

    GET https://favifetch.beatbump.workers.dev/get?url=example.com
    // or
    GET https://favifetch.beatbump.workers.dev/get?url=https://example.com

API Response

		icon_urls?: string[]       // Array of icon URLs parsed from the HTML
		manifest_icons?: {src?: string; purpose?: string; sizes?: string; type?: string}[]   // Array of icons parsed from the webmanifest, if found
		manifest_url?: string      // URL Path of the web app manifest, if found
		name?: string              // Web app name from the web app manifest
		theme_color?: string       // Theme color from the web app manifest